The secret to have more free time pursuing your Passion
When I was a kid, I wanted to become a NBA player.
When I graduated college, I wanted to become a lawyer.
When I started working, I wanted to live in Spain and teach English language for a living (inspired by the book four hour work week)
Then I wanted to become a businessman because I want to become my own boss (even though I have no idea what business to do).
I thought at those moments that those were my passions at that time.
If I pursued them all. I would have become either broke or successful.
We often think that we should drop everything including our job to pursue our passions.
But that is not always right because Passion and Work are different.
What we get wrong about passion
Passion and work are different.
Passion is something that you’ve wanted to do. A thing that you will do whether you’re paid for it or not.
Work or Job is the thing which earns you money.
There are people whose passion and work are the same thing (athletes, musicians etc.)
There are also people who drop their work or quit college to pursue their passion.
Like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos.
Should you quit your work to purse your dreams?
Had I purse being basketball player (which is unlikely), I might not been able to graduate college.
Had I pursue becoming a lawyer, I might have been fat and stress by now.
Had I pursue going abroad, I might have been broke now.
Had I purse business, I might have lost all my savings now.
When I was young , I was thinking that I wish I had the courage of those entrepreneurs that drop everything to purse their passion.
But looking back, it turns out that me not having the courage to pursue my dreams might have save me from disaster.
Most advice we get is to follow our dreams.
But the truth is, not everyone can do that because of the following reasons.
2 reasons why you shouldn’t drop your work to pursue your passion
Reason #1 People change over time. So does your passion ( or what you think your passion is).
I went from NBA player> Lawyer> Living in Spain > Business> Up to my passion now (which I will reveal later).
Dropping everything for a fleeting thing you want will be disastrous.
Once you’ve given up. You can’t go back because you’ve already lost your job, left your home etc.
This is not to discourage the dreamers.
There are people that followed what they want and though they didn’t end up becoming or getting their dreams, but they become better and learn valuable lessons from pursuing their dreams.
I guess my point is to err on the side of caution.
Because you can still purse your passions without loosing your work.
Reason #2 We all have responsibilities.
Even though you have the courage to pursue what you want, you might not have the ability to do so.
It is because you can’t just quit your job because you have bills to pay.
You might have family and kids that relies on your job.
This is what limits most people. Not the family or kids, but the need to provide for our family.
This is the sad reality of life. We have to work 5 days a week for a living.
We only have the 2 days left on the week to pursue our passions.
Why we don’t have much free time to pursue our dreams
IMO the biggest reason why don’t have lots of free time to pursue our passion is the rise in cost of living.
My view is that passion and work should co-exist.
You can be a teacher and your passion is painting art.
You can be a doctor and your passion is DJing on clubs.
You can be a stock trader and your passion is being a pastor.
My point is that we should have enough time left on our day or week to pursue our passions.
But that’s not the case today. I strongly believe it is because of the rising cost of living.
We need to work more hours just to survive.
Our society is set up that way.
To me, in the future we will have more work and life balance.
I envision a 3 or 4 day work week or somewhere in between 20-25 hours work week.
But that’s not possible today because how the way our money works.
The real reason why we don’t have work-life balance
Life was meant to become easier over time because of technology.
For example farming use to take lot of time because we were using animals. But today it’s much easier because we have machines like tractors.
It would then be natural for cost of everything to fall in prices. It is because technology makes almost everything easier and cheaper.
Machines today could build in seconds what we used to build by hands.
It would less take time and less human labor thus making price of products cheaper.
The basic principle is that technology over time make everything easier therefore cheaper.
But that is not happening right now and it is because of how the money works today.
How money make life more expensive for everyone and cheaper for the FEW
Money is broken in a sense that it keeps getting more and more expensive to survive.
Therefore we need to work harder and work more hours.
But I said earlier, that naturally, prices should keep decreasing because of technology.
But that is not happening because the supply of money keeps on increasing.
This is called Inflation.
But the word inflation is often misunderstood.
Prices don’t rise naturally.
The food we eat doesn’t become better. The apple we eat doesn’t become bigger or better.
But why prices of everything including food becomes more expensive?
It is because there are more money printed.
This is what broke our money. Our money can be printed infinitely.
Inflation is not rising cost of prices. Inflation is increase in money supply.
What this means on a very basic sense is that our job or work is being devalued.
Because our salary will buy less and less every year
Yes you will have yearly increase but that increase relative to cost of living is not enough.
Unlike an explicit increase in tax where government will take more of our money, inflation is a hidden taxation where the government takes more of our money by increasing the money supply.
Remember that prices don’t rise naturally but they do because more money is printed.
The government doesn’t simply create money by printing it. They do this by issuing debt. They issue debt to pay for their spending. This debt issuance is what leads to increase in money supply.
Our $100 will remains $100 through next year or 5 years but one thing for sure is that the $100 will buy less over time:
That’s why inflation is hidden taxation, we think we still have the same amount of money but we don’t.
This is how a broken money that can be increase in supply can ruin the lives of the working class.
This problem we have in money is what lead me to discovering my passion.
Fix the money, fix the world
The way to fix this problem is not by choosing the right person to vote and elect as president.
The problem in money cannot be fixed within the system.
It is because the system itself is corrupt.
It is hard to understand how a money that can be printed affects everyone lives.
But by writing or talking about this problem hopefully will open up minds of other people.
I believe that most people feel or know that there is a problem. But they can’t explain it.
That’s why they turn to politics as a solution. The government itself is part of the problem. But they are not the root cause. The root cause is the system or money itself.
Money that can be controlled and printed is the real problem.
The real solution to this is to opt out of the system.
Of course we still need to use our money, we can’t just create other types of money and force others to accept it.
But the solution is to find a new system that we will adopt and the good news is that we already have it.
Bitcoin fixes this
This is where the phrase bitcoin fixes this comes into play.
Because bitcoin is everything that is opposite our current money:
Bitcoin cannot be printed and is not controlled by the government.
I know it’s hard to understand that, that’s why we need more education.
But once you’ve done the work and took the time to understand bitcoin in a point of view of money, it will open up your mind to the problems of the system we grew up.
Then instead of shouting at the politicians and big corporations, you will have a constructive solution to these what we called Fiat problems (inflation, wealth inequality, government control etc.)
With bitcoin you can opt out of the system. Then once you’ve adopted bitcoin as your savings technology. You might get rich also along the way and you can share the good news to others.
And that’s what I consider my passion now. I’m just normal working dude who also dreamt of early retirment and having the time to pursue what I want to do.
And what I want to do now is to share the problems of fiat money and show bitcoin as a solution. I’m not being paid for this. I don’t earn any money writing about bitcoin.
But I love doing it because I believe what passion is “doing what you love that can make your life and life of others better”.
And I believe there’s no easier way to do that than sharing how bitcoin will make everyone lives better today and the future.
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